What is "Kali Linux" and What You need know about this Software.
Kali Linux is one of the best open-source security packages of an ethical hacker, containing a set of tools divided by categories. Kali Linux can be installed in a machine as an Operating System, which is discussed in this tutorial. Installing Kali Linux is a practical option as it provides more options to work and combine the tools. This tutorial gives a complete understanding on Kali Linux and explains how to use it in practice.
Kali is a Debian-based distribution, and it continues where BackTrack stopped, one other forensic distro that I wrote about previously.
Kali is installable, but the general concept is to make use of it from the live session, running all sorts of probes and tests and investigations against network targets and offline local storage. It's geared up both with Windows and Linux-oriented tools.
The release announcement provides a brief overview of the new release. But in shorts what’s new inside new Kali 2.0? There’s a new 4.0 kernel version, which is based on Debian Jessie, There is a lot of improvement in hardware and the wireless driver coverage, that support for a variety of Desktop Environments (Gnome3, KDE, Mate, Xfce, e17, i3wm,lxde) updated desktop environment and the tools. But these bulletpoint items are essentially a side effect of the real changes that have taken place in the development backend of Kali. Ready to hear the real news.
It particularly explains that it's not necessary to reinstall this new release from scratch. If you're already running Kali, you may simply get the newest updates (just-upgrade), and you are all set.
The Kali Linux Download page lists 32-bit and 64-bit ISO images. Along with the standard "Live" images, which are a whopping 2.8GB, there are "mini" images that are only 25MB or so, that are roughly the equivalent of the Debian "netinst" (network installer) images also.
The Kali Linux ISO are hybrid images, which implies that they can either be burned to DVD media or dumped directly to a USB stick.
This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the fundamentals of Kali Linux. It will specifically be useful for penetration testing professionals. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise from where you can take yourself to the next levels.
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Kali Linux